We are delighted you will be joining us for your child’s dance education. Please do not hesitate to call the office should you have any questions regarding the registration process, tuition rates, fees, or creating your on-line dance account.
To Register
Register online or fill out a paper registration form completely. Registration is open through December 31 or until class(es) are full, whichever comes first. Tuition is prorated for late enrollment. A non-refundable registration fee is required at time of registration. The fees are:
Your space in class is reserved upon receipt of your registration form & fee, emergency medical form, and payment of first and last month’s installment. For tuition rates, click here.
Waiver & Release
By its very nature, dance is physically demanding. In case of injury, parents and/or legal guardians grant UDS permission to administer first-aid as needed and waive the right to any legal action for such injuries sustained on studio property; either before, during or after class, or through participation in any community dance performance.
Emergency Medical Form & Injuries
A completed Emergency Medical Form is required at registration. Students with injuries (dance related or otherwise) must submit a doctor’s note to be excused from and readmitted to class. However, it is the instructor’s discretion if a student should join in all class activities and/or perform in the annual recital.
Photo Release
Upon registration parents/guardians grant permission for Urbana Dance Studio to photograph and video minor students to be used in promotional materials including but not limited to printed materials, advertising, website, facebook, youtube, DVDs and other marketing materials. Further, such materials become the sole property of Urbana Dance to be used by others only with express written permission and without compensation.
On-Line Dance Account
Once you are registered your on-line dance account will be created. To access your account:
To Register
Register online or fill out a paper registration form completely. Registration is open through December 31 or until class(es) are full, whichever comes first. Tuition is prorated for late enrollment. A non-refundable registration fee is required at time of registration. The fees are:
- New Students: $20 individual / $35 family
- Returning Students: $10 individual / $15 family
Your space in class is reserved upon receipt of your registration form & fee, emergency medical form, and payment of first and last month’s installment. For tuition rates, click here.
Waiver & Release
By its very nature, dance is physically demanding. In case of injury, parents and/or legal guardians grant UDS permission to administer first-aid as needed and waive the right to any legal action for such injuries sustained on studio property; either before, during or after class, or through participation in any community dance performance.
Emergency Medical Form & Injuries
A completed Emergency Medical Form is required at registration. Students with injuries (dance related or otherwise) must submit a doctor’s note to be excused from and readmitted to class. However, it is the instructor’s discretion if a student should join in all class activities and/or perform in the annual recital.
Photo Release
Upon registration parents/guardians grant permission for Urbana Dance Studio to photograph and video minor students to be used in promotional materials including but not limited to printed materials, advertising, website, facebook, youtube, DVDs and other marketing materials. Further, such materials become the sole property of Urbana Dance to be used by others only with express written permission and without compensation.
On-Line Dance Account
Once you are registered your on-line dance account will be created. To access your account:
- Click the "Register Today" button below
- Once redirected, click “Login” at the top of the page. DO NOT create another account
- Login with your email address provided upon registration
- If you do not know your password, click “Forgot your Password” and a new password will be sent to your email